Suicide Loss Grief Counseling

Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group - Madison, NJ

Posted: Apr 11, 2019

Grief Counseling for Suicide Loss Survivors

One medical study asked suicide loss survivors to rate what they found to be most helpful in their healing. The top results are:

    1. Talking one-to-one with another suicide survivor (100%)
    2. Suicide grief support group (94%)
    3. Books on suicide and grief (85%)
    4. Individual therapy (80%)

By attending our support group meetings you can leverage the top two methods and by going to our reading lists you can accomplish the third most helpful method. But it is very common for suicide loss survivors to also seek out professional individual grief counseling from a host of mental health service providers. The survivors of suicide loss often struggle with grief more profoundly then a non-suicide related death.

Clearly by attending our support group meetings you can leverage the top two methods and by going to our reading lists you can accomplish the third most helpful method. But it is very common for suicide loss survivors to also seek out professional individual grief counseling from a host of mental health service providers. The survivors of suicide loss often struggle with grief more profoundly then a non-suicide related death.

Our website has a webpage dedicated to helping you understand what the various options are and how you might begin to find someone that works for you. Finding someone who will help you is very personal and specific to your individual needs. A general marriage counselor may not be the right person for you. It really does take some effort on your part to interview them in advance, or at your first meeting to understand if they have dealt with suicide loss before or if they have any specialized bereavement training. It is not uncommon for people to go through 2-3 counselors before they find someone that they feel comfortable with. You will know within the first few minutes if this is the right person for you or not, trust your gut. Please don't be turned off if the first 1-2 people you speak with are the wrong people, think of it like a test drive. You need to find the counselor that fits your needs best.

We have several lists of counselors that might help you to start your search. We can not specifically recommend someone for you, you need to find the right person for your needs. Everyone grieves differently.